August 2023 - Ortho One
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O R T H O - O N E

‘How to avoid or prevent shoulder pain?’ is a question that is often directed at Dr. M Shyam Sundar, shoulder and elbow specialist, Ortho-One, Coimbatore. “While it may not be possible to avoid shoulder pain, there are steps that can be taken to address the problem once it occurs,” Dr. Shyam responds.
Shoulders are very complex joints made of multiple bones, muscles, and tendons. This ball and socket joint allows for a variety of shoulder movements that we use in our daily lives, such as flexion, extension, external rotation, and internal rotation. The shoulder joint’s versatile movements make it vulnerable to a variety of problems that cause shoulder pain. “Shoulder pain is a very common problem that people of all ages face, and understanding how it occurs can help us prepare and take steps to avoid it,” says Dr. Shyam.

There are multiple reasons for the occurrence of shoulder pain. Young people may experience shoulder pain as a result of accidents or overuse injuries. Overuse injuries are those caused by repetitive actions that cause muscle overactivity, resulting in fatigue and pain. This is very commonly noted in athletes participating in overhead sports such as swimming, tennis, and volleyball. Another common occurrence among athletes is scapular malposition, which occurs when the shoulder bone in the back does not function properly, thereby interfering with normal shoulder movements. Scapular malpositions are classified into different types based on the muscles that are affected and the type of movement it impedes. Among older people, shoulder impingement is the most common cause of shoulder pain, which occurs when the bone pinches the tendon while lifting the hand, causing pain.

“It is impossible to prevent shoulder pain in either of these age groups, but we can learn how to manage it if it occurs,” says Dr. Shyam. RICE is the recommended treatment for shoulder pain caused by impingement or overuse syndrome. RICE is an acronym that stands for rest, ice application, compression, and elevation. Dr. Shyam believes that the most important factor in dealing with shoulder pain is rest. The best way to reduce shoulder pain is to get plenty of rest and avoid the movements that cause it. The next most important step is to pinpoint the specific movement that is causing the shoulder pain and perform corrective exercises tailored to that movement. Athletes can avoid scapular malposition by improving their posture and learning proper shoulder conditioning exercises. These exercises can also be adopted by older people who have shoulder pain in order to improve their shoulder stability and movements.

“Shoulder pain can affect anyone at any age, regardless of activity level. However, it is possible to relieve shoulder pain with proper measures such as RICE therapy, corrective and/or shoulder conditioning exercises, maintaining proper posture, and so on. Therefore, it is important to make ourselves aware of the underlying cause for the shoulder pain and to seek appropriate treatment immediately,” says Dr. Shyam.

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